Saturday, March 7, 2015

Module 8

Ryan Williams
Module 8
            I use computers a lot in my education. Nearly every one of my classes uses computers in one of or another. If it is using any type of computer, including anything that has even the small computers in it, then even most things outside of school use computers.
            One of the classes I am currently taking in high school is an intro to engineering class. Every day in this class we are on the computer the whole entire class period. We mainly use two programs on the computer, Google Chrome and a program by Autodesk called Inventor. Google Chrome we use for internet, obviously, using it to access our assignments that our teachers posts on the web version of One Note. The rest of the work is done on Inventor which is a 3-D CAD software. On this program, we make whatever the teacher tells us to. From simple cube objects to reverse engineering an object then building each separate part of the object on the software.
            Another class I use a computer in is my Principles of Engineering class. In this class we are on the computers a fair amount of time using a program called Robot C in which we write code for robots that we build. The robots we build are made from VEX kits. These kits then connect up to the Robot C program which loads the code onto the robot and runs it.
            Even in a class which may not seem like it would use a computer, we still use one. Math class is an example. In each calculator is a small computer. Each time we press a button for the calculator to solve an equation, the small computer runs the calculation and displays the result on the small screen. Other than the calculator, my teacher also uses her actual computer and projector to display notes on a board for us to write down.
            In this class that I am typing this for, we use the computer a lot. First off, it is an online class so everything is going to be online. Since it is online, you need a computer to do most anything. Each assignment is typed on a computer where it then can be uploaded to the internet. Each assignment given to us we have to use a computer to access it online. Even the book that I have is digital so I use my computer or my phone to read it.
            Outside of school you still use computers. The cars that you may drive have computers built into them to do a variety of things like displaying how fast you are going or how much gas you have or any other gauges you have on your car. Your phone also have a small computer in it and most people use their phone a lot so you use computers a lot in most everything.

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