Ryan Williams
Module 10
"Joe" in the story is a good representation of the internet today. Throughout the whole story, people are asking "Joe" tons and tons of questions. From simple ones like what the weather is like to the complex question of how can you make cold electron-emission work.
What I think the author is trying to get at in the story is basically that you should not be able to find out anything you want, just by doing something simple. You need to work at it and find everything you need on your own and not just be lazy and have someone else do it for you. You should also not become dependent on technology because it will not always get things done without some bad consequence. This is very true today. When you walk around outside in a city, technology is everywhere. Most people you pass on the street are either using their phone or listening to music. This is not bad, necessarily, but in a way, it can become bad. For example, imagine walking outside and everyone you see has glued their face to their phone. There is no face-to-face interaction and the only sounds you here are the clicking of the keyboard on phones and the notification sounds on them. Doesn't sound very fun, does it? This is quite extreme, but it is partially happening already.
It is not the younger generations fault. They had no choice in being born right now into the world filled with technology. Since they have grown up with it, it is what they have become used to. But, just because they have been raised with is, doesn't mean that they have to use it. They have a choice, and lots of people are choosing technology and becoming very dependent on it. Finding out the weather is very simple today. You just hop on the internet and do a quick web search. Finding out how to make cold electron-emission to work is not something you can just find on the internet, its something you have to find out without the internet. In the end, technology can and should be used for good, but if you become to dependent on it, then it can take over too much.
This reading was very interesting for me. To start off, they style of writing is different than most I am used to. The whole story is written exactly as people would talk. Not all the words are pronounced completely, and lots of words are left out. This is cool writing though because it sounds as though someone is actually telling you the story, rather than just listening. Since it is written like that, parts of it were hard for me to understand because people don't always talk in the most clear ways so parts of it were harder to understand. When I first started reading it, I was not sure whether some of the names were actual people, or if narrator had given human names to objects. Overall, the story was and interesting take on what could possibly happen to someone with the advances of technology.