Saturday, January 24, 2015

Module 2

Ryan Williams
            Workflow software is software that is created to automate as many tasks as possible to lighten the load for a human being or just simply make them easier. As technology progresses, workflow software progresses too, making work easier for humans as more tasks can become automated. A fictional example of this could be a software that use some key words and makes a game out of it. Say you wanted a game a certain element to it, what you would do is type all the key words or elements you wanted into a program and then that program would write all the programming for that game. After that, the program would transfer all this code to a specified folder for the creator to use. This would take out all the programmers need to write a game and just one person could make the programming for a game.
            Open-source software a program that has all of the source code made available to anyone to modify how they want. Any changes that you make to the code you can share with others, but you must give credit back to the original creator. This is important for a few reasons. For one, a company can hire as many people as they want, but they will never get every idea that anyone has. When the program is open-source, anyone can edit it making the ideas for the program endless. Also, there could be a problem with the software and no one who works at the company knows how to fix it unless it is open-source, then any random person could solve the problem and send it back to the original developers.
            Outsourcing is sending work to people outside your company to work on one thing. Usually the people that get sent the work only work on that specific thing, so it is cheaper to hire them instead of paying more for someone else to work on it who might also work on other things. Outsourcing can help a company because they have less things to do and can focus on one task better. Having someone work on something cheaper will help save the company money and get them a better process.
            This reading interested me more than the last reading for mostly one reason: open-source software. I have five brothers and two of them are pretty geeky when it comes to computers and programming and whatnot. We also all have android phones and android is an open-source software. On android, people have taken the original source code and modified it and created many different versions of it called ROMs. So out of the five phones we have, we all have different ROMs but they all came out of the original android source code just people have modified it the way the like.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this blog. I didn't even think about android phones being an open-sources This book and blogs make you open up your mind and make you think.
